
新疆礼物旅游文创纪念品民族特色冰箱贴新疆馕系列卡通Xinjiang Gifts Tourism Cultural and Creative Souvenirs Ethnic Characteristics Refrigerator Stickers Xinjiang Naan Series Cartoons

Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $20.00.

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到新疆旅游,最吸引人的的地方,应该是这里的民族文化灿烂多姿,只要您来新疆,这里的民族歌舞会让您立刻入乡随俗;只要您细心观察, 非物质历史文化遗产会带您穿越时空!




Product Name: Xinjiang Nang Refrigerator Magnets

Traveling to Xinjiang, the most attractive place should be the splendid ethnic culture here. As long as you come to Xinjiang, the folk songs and dances here will make you immediately follow the local customs; as long as you observe carefully, the intangible historical and cultural heritage will take you through time and space!

How can you come to Xinjiang without bringing the local characteristic refrigerator magnets?

If you also like refrigerator magnets with local characteristics, don’t miss our new product, it is the best gift for friends and girlfriends.

Weight 0.06 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 15 cm


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