
新疆礼物旅游文创纪念品民族特色冰箱贴馕少女系列卡通Xinjiang Gifts Tourism Cultural and Creative Souvenirs Ethnic Characteristics Refrigerator Stickers Naan Girls Series Cartoons

(2 customer reviews)

Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $20.00.

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品名: 馕少女冰箱贴



这才是旅游商品的核心价值所在。同时, 我们也希望可以为家乡作出一点贡献, 宣传我们美丽的新疆的文化,让每一个来过新疆的人都能爱上这里,感受到淳朴的民族文化。

      新疆馕少女系列冰箱贴, 将新疆的美食特色和少数民族服饰特色相结合,既美观又具有实用性,还具备了旅游纪念等特殊意义。提起新疆,大家都会想到什么呢? 伊犁?大盘鸡? 羊肉串? 馕? 美女?

是呀, 我们的大美新疆有太多值得提的美景美食美人了。 在这里,我们以卡通的形式将这些融合起来设计出了可爱的冰箱贴,我们将文化寄托在产品上,赋予其文化价值,让大众能感受到文化的存在,达成文化的传播。



Product name: Naan girl fridge magnet

Why did we design this series of refrigerator magnets with Xinjiang characteristics? Fridge magnets are often a landmark of a place, and they are also the things that tourists perceive most strongly in their travel experience. The memory of travel can be activated through the small object of refrigerator stickers. Tourists buy refrigerator magnets out of the need to “preserve” their own travel experience. This kind of experience preservation and emotional preservation is the core value of tourism commodities. At the same time, we also hope to make a little contribution to our hometown and promote the culture of our beautiful Xinjiang, so that everyone who has been to Xinjiang can fall in love with it and feel the simple ethnic culture.

The Xinjiang Nang Girl series refrigerator magnets combine Xinjiang’s gourmet features with ethnic minority costumes, which are not only beautiful but also practical, and also have special significance such as tourism commemoration. When you mention Xinjiang, what do you think of? Yili? Big plate chicken? Kebab? Naan? Beauty?  Yes, our beautiful Xinjiang has too many beautiful scenery, gourmet beauties worth mentioning. Here, we combine these in the form of cartoons to design cute refrigerator magnets. We place culture on the products and endow them with cultural value, so that the public can feel the existence of culture and achieve the spread of culture.

Weight 0.06 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 15 cm

2 reviews for 新疆礼物旅游文创纪念品民族特色冰箱贴馕少女系列卡通Xinjiang Gifts Tourism Cultural and Creative Souvenirs Ethnic Characteristics Refrigerator Stickers Naan Girls Series Cartoons

  1. Li Mei

    Very ethnic jewelry

    • 行政 (store manager)

      thanks,Wish you a happy life!

  2. Ben

    It goes well with my decor, I bought a lot of it to cover my refrigerator, and the owner gave me even more discounts

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